Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Clean up

I had A.I. on this eve and the best performer has the worst skin!These kids diets are generally so bad that they eat everything and anything in site.I mean to get there but first to be in balance with our minds we need to be in balance with our colons,we sure could be much more healthier as a society,but with microwaves/Mcdonalds/Del Taco even the so called eat fresh Subway the lack of interest in consuming food groups leaves me in pretzels,everytime i tell my daughter to eat an apple if your hungry her retort is not this kind of hungry.When we take better care of ourselves diet wise we crave other foods than the junk,which in turn allows us to crap cleaner which allows us to cleanse to digestive track,try dropping into Whole foods or Trader Joes and grab a salad from the deli,after a short period this deems a pure body chemistry and can enable us to toss the skin/clear/up trash,and start even sleeping more sound,dont believe me?Go 4 weeks first,then get back to me and tell me im lying to you..............stay thirsty masses

Monday, April 27, 2009


Why?Why?Why?Why are we all afraid to die?Unfinished business perhaps,somethings we just hav'nt gotten around to completing [asking that one person out?]seems as if the time will be right ,then you'll know,right?Telling ur mom how much you loved her abd thanking her for bringing you into this world?At the present time right now in other words is that time!!!
Tomorrow we may be dead/gone/off/outa here baby,just look at the news its hit the fan again.Something else to throw us all into a dither,that will never stop until the immenant truth is really upon us.Avion bird flu/swine flu blah blah blah itll never end.What i am trying to tell you masses is today is the day!!No not that day [the proverbial end]today is indeed though the first day of the rest of our lives,Today is that day that we should be living like it was the last in the sense that look what goes through ur minds when you get scared!!
In a few short days only a small select poor souls will be hit by this new pandemic all the other 99.999% of us will go about our lives,just like before waiting for the time we will know when it comes to be right for that thing that we have on our list of very important things to do.......But hold that thought?Stop freakin around and go ask her/him out,call ur goddamn mom this minute,ask for that raise,stand your ground,make love just as if you may never be able to experience that feeling ever afreakin-gin,Think about that,holy u know-what folks,never again,yeah that feeling!Actualy put your heart into that and get back to me and tell me[i dare you]tell me it was'nt something that you never have liken too before!!!
Keep using those Brains?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's time

Again i want to elaborate on the good,the good times,thoughts,laughs the conscience efforts of memory,what does this mean to any of us?Well a perfect example would come from my nephew.this young man born in the midwest decided right after high school he'd try college but soon there after his lack of focus/structure(maturity) he would be failing miserably.He had gotten so far behind that he just dropped out to figure his life had something else to offer,so he joined the army to fight for his country per post 911 crisis.Soon there after found himself in a world of destolation ,the middle of the desert in Iraq,140 degrees midday 115 @ nite getting shot @ by this so called enemy,he was livid and miserable'after many months had past got word that he'd be going on leave,his mood change dramatically for the better in an instant,happy thoughts good times swimming pools bikini clad girls many loved ones at his side so he's in a gleeful mood to say the least,one of his last mission before leaving out with his battalion,they get messaged to return to base when out of nowhere he gets elected to ride back in a chopper instead of the hummer with his commarades when upon his return to base gets another word that the group in the hummer is not coming back complete cause it gets sniped two die and all others are severly wounded,but is he just the lucky one or do those thoughts somehow take relevence to this episode?My personal take after much study on this is, after hearing his story a year later is all good thoughts attract only good things.Im convinced that happy times bring more of the same,and crappy times will also do the same just exactly,be a precursor to your own future it's well worth it!!
stay insatiable,u wont be sorry

Monday, April 13, 2009

use your head

roughly one year ago a friend gave me a book to read,now this particular person im talking about is still around but the book that they gave to me is very close by my side,if not in my head,always.Its like i have the master key to this place,a secrete if you will,my life has been changed forever,my current status is im a professional in my field of business and doing awesome @ it but using the tools i now have is this key that pretty much makes everything seem so much rosier.The confidence level that i've achieved is paramount nothings been insurmountable since this conception has given me a constant filter to use at every waking moment,my new experiences are endless.My health has taken a severe turn for the better,the proverbial monkey is off my back forever and im not sure how much more happy i can get,its like i have a neon sign on my forhead that reads "I can change your life,just ask me!"truth be known kid's im not exagerating in the least.I want to share my story to help serve the masses, I want to give people hope that my life one year ago was just like most of all of us,unfulfilled and could'nt wait to be able to chill again because it's like that corny dr phil say's "I want you to get excited about your life"I have never felt more excited about my life ,but i don't know anything about the good doc,what i am confident in saying is that with a balanced diet and a clear mind im able to do anything,anything @ all.It's beyond comprehension,hey tv does have alot to offer the masses,comedy/drama/cops & entertainment is never too be undermined but what im saying here kid's is to change the way you think & start watching your world revolve aroun you!!
stay thirsty masses?!!