Monday, September 5, 2011

Foreclosure Freeze

Housing market faces long, cold winter: Altos

Low interest rates and a glut of inventory failed to
substantially stimulate a weak housing market this summer,
according to Altos Research. Based on summer statistics and shaky
economic indicators, Altos is predicting a "long, cold winter"
with nothing on the horizon to suggest improved housing market
activity through the fall and winter. Home prices in July rose in
14 of the 20 metro areas surveyed for the Altos Research
Mid-Cities Report and inventory increased in 12 of the markets.
"The housing market in the United States is in a constant state
of flux. Volatility is the norm and the rules of yesterday's
market no longer apply," Altos said. Eight of the 20 markets saw
their housing inventory levels decline, while six of 20 markets
noted a drop in median prices. The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
recently said it expects home prices to bottom out by early 2012,
with market volatility somewhat limited to certain hard-hit
areas, such as Arizona, California and Nevada. The Fed said
markets like Texas, where jobs have been created during the
recession, could see the tide shift by the early part of 2012.