Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Foreclosures to persist

Foreclosures to persist

According to authors at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, the nation’s high foreclosure rate is likely to persist. The Fed article looks at the changes in foreclosure and unemployment rates across states, noting the differences in the timing of the movements. The conjecture that the high foreclosure rate will persist is based in part on the observation that states that experienced boom-bust housing cycles in the past (Texas, Oklahoma, Massachusetts and California) had elevated foreclosure starts for years after the peak in foreclosure starts and inventory. These previous boom-bust cycles “were small in comparison to the current cycle,” the article said. While the recession has left deep scars in the housing and labor markets — with the unemployment rate doubling and the foreclosure start rate roughly tripling — the timing of the movements differs over the cycle, according to the abstract, written by the vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, and K.F., a research assistant.

In So-Cal every Wednesday morning there is a short sale workshop open to the public, allowing homeowners, agents, brokers or investors the opportunity to see and participate in how and why this has been changing communities across our nation. Join us this week or any week for a fulfilling chance at making a difference in the lives of others.