Monday, April 27, 2009


Why?Why?Why?Why are we all afraid to die?Unfinished business perhaps,somethings we just hav'nt gotten around to completing [asking that one person out?]seems as if the time will be right ,then you'll know,right?Telling ur mom how much you loved her abd thanking her for bringing you into this world?At the present time right now in other words is that time!!!
Tomorrow we may be dead/gone/off/outa here baby,just look at the news its hit the fan again.Something else to throw us all into a dither,that will never stop until the immenant truth is really upon us.Avion bird flu/swine flu blah blah blah itll never end.What i am trying to tell you masses is today is the day!!No not that day [the proverbial end]today is indeed though the first day of the rest of our lives,Today is that day that we should be living like it was the last in the sense that look what goes through ur minds when you get scared!!
In a few short days only a small select poor souls will be hit by this new pandemic all the other 99.999% of us will go about our lives,just like before waiting for the time we will know when it comes to be right for that thing that we have on our list of very important things to do.......But hold that thought?Stop freakin around and go ask her/him out,call ur goddamn mom this minute,ask for that raise,stand your ground,make love just as if you may never be able to experience that feeling ever afreakin-gin,Think about that,holy u know-what folks,never again,yeah that feeling!Actualy put your heart into that and get back to me and tell me[i dare you]tell me it was'nt something that you never have liken too before!!!
Keep using those Brains?